
Posts Tagged ‘Happy New Year!’

I woke up this morning not sure what time it was, what day it was or where I was supposed to be. I had a feeling of unease like I was supposed to be somewhere or I had forgotten something important. And then I remembered that it was New Year’s Eve day. For some reason I always feel incredibly restless on this day. It didn’t help that my inbox was flooded with emails reminding me to give to various causes before midnight or to go and spend money as these deals would be over by the end of the day. TIME WAS RUNNING OUT!!! “Did I still need to make a reservation for dinner?”, “Had I thought about my resolutions?”, “It wasn’t too late to commit to a better, more improved me”…

This time of year is supposed to be a time of reflection but right now for me it is giving me a bit of anxiety. All of the posts asking you to look back on the decade to see how far you have come. Whoa boy, right now I am lucky if I can remember what I ate for breakfast. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy looking back, especially at pics of the girls, I mean look how darn cute they were 10 years ago!

I guess the thing about it is, that a tremendous amount has happened in the last 10 years. Lives have been lived. Good, bad, ugly, exceptional, mundane, fantastic, crazy, insane, all the emotions in moments both big and small. It was everything. It IS everything. And in 2020 there is much to look forward to. Major life changes will happen. That is the beauty of it all.

In the past few days I have found myself stuck in a funk, feeling a sadness, a weight if you will. I have been dwelling on the past and also fast forwarding to the future and scaring myself with the unknown and what ifs. I have not allowed myself to just breathe and be in the now. I know that it is unrealistic to think that we can totally just live in the now, there are responsibilities and decisions and planning that does need to happen in life. However, I have decided that I am going to try and find the strength this year to put a bit of a pause on the over thinking and worry regarding the unknown. I know, I know, easier said then done. For those of you who know me, I come by my worry gene very honestly πŸ™‚ I guess I am just trying to step outside of my fear and have the courage to take steps into these new adventures with an open heart and mind knowing that I can’t control everything and that it is perfectly okay.

My wish for you all as we enter 2020 is more time to be in the moment with those you love. May we all share a bit more patience, kindness and compassion with our fellow humans. Peace, love, health and happiness my friends!!

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Well, here it is, the end of another year. Is it just me or are these years flying by faster and faster?

I am back home in NYC. Very happy to be back together with my girls and Mr. Memphis. Santa even dropped in last night and we had a wonderful morning opening gifts and having a delicious breakfast.

Tonight the girls and I are planning to snuggle on the couch, devour some special treats, watch movies and I will hope to stay awake until midnight. The perfect way to say goodbye to 2017 and ring in 2018.

I don’t really think I have any “BIG” resolutions for the new year. I have decided to just look forward, be more in the moment, enjoy this time. Be true to me and the people I love. To try and let the things that don’t really matter, go… To have fun, keep smiling, be open and always be kind. Here’s to 2018 and all of the new adventures that lay ahead!

May all your wishes for 2018 come true my friends. I wish you happiness, health, laughter, love and light! Happy, Happy New Year!!!

(Here are a few more pics from my Christmas adventure in London 😊)

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Here we are, the last day of 2014. Each year has it ups and downs, its highlights, its challenges, things we will cherish forever and moments we would rather forget. So, instead of looking back, I am going to look forward. 2015 brings with it the promise of new adventures, exciting possibilities and as always, the unknown.

I have spent the holidays with family and friends and even had some time to wander the city I love, reconnecting with the energy andΒ excitement that NYC offers. It is during these times that I have found a few moments of reflection. I am truly grateful for the love of family, incredible friendships, continued health and the ability to have so many wonderful life experiences. I look forward to wherever life may take me in the upcoming year.

I have included some pics from the last week, I hope you enjoy them.

Happy New Year to all of you! I wish you happiness and health as you continue your own adventure!

All the best,

S xox












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There are so many, many moments of happiness from 2013 and of course there were many moments of tears as well, just like with any year. So, on this last day of 2013, I simply want to take a moment to reflect back and count and cherish our many blessings as a family and also to remember and pause to reflect on the painful moments as well. Life really is an adventure, one filled with twists and turns, ups and downs. An adventure not to be taken lightly. Β My wish for all of you in 2014 is many wonderful adventures with family and friends as well as good health and happiness! May you do all of this surrounded in warmth and laughter. Goodbye 2013 and Hello 2014! Happy, happy, happiest of New Year’s from our family to yours!!!

Goodbye 2013e

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Well, hello 2012, looks like you arrived with a bang. It seems just like yesterday that we were ringing in the year 2000 and now look where we are. It has not escaped my notice that the year I turn forty is also the year that the Mayan’s predicted the world would end. Coincidence? Maybe. I am going to run with the theory that those of us born in 1972 are such “wild child” types that the world can’t handle all of us heading on in to middle age together. Yep, that is my theory. It makes me feel better, so there!

As I ponder Forty and a new year, a few thoughts come to mind. Does Forty make me feel old? The answer is yes and no. I definitely feel old when I see my former students on Facebook reach milestones such as 25th Birthdays, University Graduations, First Jobs, Marriages and Babies (!!). Yep, that definitely makes me realize that I am heading towards the rocking chair. But on the other hand, former students still talk to me, I know what Facebook and Twitter are, I have a Blog, can keep up with social media and pop culture references AND I went to the JayZ/Kanye concert. I can’t be THAT old, right… right????!!!!! *Sigh*

So, as I head as gracefully as I can to the age of Forty in this new year of 2012 I guess I can’t help but reflect just a little bit. I am not a big resolution maker, I think that resolutions are just a way to set yourself up for failure. “I resolve to cut chocolate out of my diet”. Sure, it sounds good in theory on the 1st of January but there is no way that it is still going to be happening by (if we are honest), January 2nd! So, instead I am going to reflect.

I am going to try really hard to not sweat the small stuff this year, knowing full well that I will. Because that is what I do, just ask Ron. I can’t help it. Someone has to and it is me. I like to worry. Cut me a little slack, I do live in NYC and there ARE a few things to worry about. “Seriously, where DO they take the garbage??” But I am going to try and worry a little less. Sometimes you need to just let some things go. It is what it is. I realize that. Woooosaaaa!

I am also going to keep up with this whole running thing. I am not going to resolve to get skinny this year. It is not going to happen. I have never been skinny, EVER. Even when I was in the best shape of my life I was not skinny. Not going to happen. Instead I am going to concentrate on being strong. Running with fabulous women and feeding off of their incredible energy and friendship is powerful. We are healthy and running and that is definitely something to be grateful for.

I am going to continue to do a few things that scare me. I just got into the NYC 1/2 Marathon. This is equal parts terrifying and exhilarating. I am in the middle of my training and this will be one of the most challenging yet rewarding fitness goals I will ever achieve. I still can’t decide if I might just be a wee bit insane πŸ˜‰ Β This is the year I have to get back in the job market. Also a daunting and exciting task. Nothing moves slowly or comes to you in NYC, I had better step up my game!

Finally, I am going to remember that there is a lot of fun to be had and to keep the laughter alive. There are days when it is easy to take one’s self a little too seriously. We are all guilty of that. I am going to try and pause and find the joy in small moments, everyday. Because, if the world really is ending, I would really hate to have spent the last moments worrying about the last 5 pounds I wanted to lose instead of having that wonderful piece of dark chocolate πŸ˜‰ Happy New Year family and friends!! I wish you all the best for a fabulous 2012. You are ALL invited to my Fortieth birthday party in June!!

Here are a few pics from our latest NYC adventure as we rang in the New Year by participating in the Emerald Nuts Midnight Run in Central Park. It was an unbelievable experience. A few thousand people running in the park, fireworks and people cheering you on as you did a 4 Mile loop in the park. Awesome!!

Before the Run

Running with just a "few" other people!

Julie, Jessica and I

The confidence and crazy that comes with youth!

Post Race- we are still standing and smiling πŸ˜‰

Sweet, sweet reward!! Happy New Year!!

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