
Posts Tagged ‘moving’

A good friend told me that you cannot really call yourself a true New Yorker until you have lived in the city for 10 full years. I am not sure if this is an urban legend or just something New Yorkers say to make sure that people realize that being a true citizen of the city has to be earned. Nevertheless, I find it a bit ironic that I will be leaving New York exactly 10 years to the day I arrived.

Yes, I am leaving New York City. This city that I truly love. I have always said that you either love or hate New York City, that there is no in between. There is no possible way that you could live in New York if you “sort of like it” here. You cannot simply put up with it. It would be impossible. New York demands your attention, it consumes you, becomes a part of you.

New York has and will forever leave its imprint on my heart, soul and spirit. This city has shaped me in a way that really is, in many ways, indescribable. I have explored its vast neighborhoods and cultures, logged miles and miles on its streets and in its parks, dined, shopped, got lost, drank, people watched, cycled in the dark, danced, worked, screamed, laughed, cried, loved, lost, learned, saw many, many amazing exhibits, shows, street performers and have taken more pictures than I can count. Most of all, I have met some of the best people I could ever imagine, friends who are like family.

But, it is time to go. Time to take a big leap, to jump off and chase a dream that has always been in my heart. At the beginning of July I will be hopping in a car and traveling cross country to California to start a new adventure. For those of you who know me well, I have always had a strong desire to live in the San Diego area. My love of the ocean and the great outdoors is no secret.

I have been thinking and planning this move for a couple of years and then of course the pandemic hit and like many people, I began to question everything. In the end, the decision that I had made is still the right one and I am excited (and a little bit terrified) to start this new life. A is heading off to college (fingers crossed) and R has somewhat enthusiastically agreed to go along with this crazy plan. If I have learned anything with recent events, it is that nothing in life is guaranteed and I cannot let fear drive my choices.

I do have to admit that it feels very strange to be leaving New York during this unprecedented time. Sort of like sneaking out in the middle of the night. Not only will I not get to say a proper goodbye to many of the friends I so dearly want to see and hug, I will also not get to say a proper goodbye to this incredible city.

One thing I do know, is that my love affair with New York City is not over. I will always have a bit of New Yorker inside of me, the invaluable lessons that this city has taught me, the pride I feel as I walk down the street, the faces that stare back at me, the secrets the buildings hold, the love and strength that will not break. New York strong.

I will not say goodbye. But simply, until we meet again. Much love my friends, I will catch you on the west coast… please be patient with me as I flood my page with pics of waves and sunsets.

Until then, be safe, healthy and keep spreading love and kindness.

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The girls and I are doing a move within in our building. A little down sizing. We are all (especially me!) super excited to have a new space to call our own. New decorating possibilities- woohoo!! 

However, it is still taking as much energy and work as a move across the city or country would be. I am going through each and every room and space, throwing out, donating and packing. And consuming a lot of caffeine! 😀 It is exhausting but I know that it will be worth it in the end. But seriously, how many towels and sneakers does one family need??

So, if you need me over the next week or so I will likely be under a box or bin or maybe stuck under a pile of books. I happily welcome distractions. I AM a procrastinator to the core!

Happy Wednesday! Keep on rocking my friends. 


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Wanna Be My Friend?


It has been three months since our BIG move to New York City and every once in awhile it hits me that this is real, that this is our new home.  I know, I am a slow learner 😉  I have been extremely busy making sure that the children are adjusting to their new school, that they are meeting people and are involved in various activities.  As a parent, it is my first priority to look out for my children. They were our number one concern when Ron and I started talking about the move in the first place.  The thoughts that kept running through my head were “Would they fit in?”, “Would they find friends?”, “Would they adjust to city life?”- And they are doing fine.  Better than fine. They love their new school, have had play dates and birthday parties. We are getting organized and settling in.  I can stop worrying about them, well, as much as a mother ever really stops worrying…

Maybe it is time to worry about me.  Or at least, think about me.


Did someone mention cupcakes??!!


I am feeling a bit nervous today because I am starting a running class tonight.  I have two reasons that I am feeling anxious.  One, I am worried that it is going to be a killer work out and that my ass will be handed to me. But that is the exact reason why I signed up in the first place, so I should just suck it up and stop thinking about it.  The second reason I am nervous is that I am branching out and starting something new where I know no one. This may surprise some of you but sometimes I get a bit freaked out when I have to meet new people.  The old insecurities from high school creep in and I just hope that someone there will “like me”.  This is when it hit me- that like my daughters, I am the NEW KID.

I have been soo worried about the kid’s transitions that at some point along the way I kind of forgot that I was transitioning too.  I have been very fortunate to meet some wonderful people in this city. I am also incredibly lucky to have already had some friends in New York.  I did not have to move here, totally on my own with no one to reach out to.  However, that being said, I am one of the “new” mommies on the playground and that can be extremely stressful.  The other night I went to a social/fundraising event for the school.  I arrived a bit early and walked into the lobby where a group of women who clearly all, already knew each other were standing.  They turned and looked at me (gave me that up and down look) and then turned and continued on with their conversation.  Not a great way to start the evening.  I mean really, I have taught 13 years of high school and way back when actually attended myself, when will women stop being evil to one another?  At this point I was tempted to leave but the mature woman in me reminded myself that I wouldn’t want to be friends with women like this anyway and waited patiently for other people to arrive.  Sure enough, soon after, other women arrived and were friendly and reached out to make me feel welcome.  In fact, I ended up having a great time.


Oh girls, why can't we all just get along?


It is tough being the new kid, it is not always sunshine and lollipops.  I am not going to lie, while I am having fun meeting new people, it can be exhausting.  There is something to be said about that friend that already knows you, that you don’t have to hope beyond hope will like you, because they have already seen you at your worst and still love you for it.  Don’t get me wrong, I am still going to talk to everyone I can, even if inside, my stomach is doing little nervous flips, that is just who I am.  And hey, unlike my high school self, I also realize that life is too short to try and make everyone like you.  Some people aren’t really worth the effort anyway. This new kid is going to be a-okay.  This afternoon I am heading out for my own play date at Starbucks… just the way I like it 😉


True Friends =)


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